What foods to eat in high blood pressure?
Understanding and Managing High Blood Pressure with Age

High blood pressure is a common health issue that can become increasingly problematic with age. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to understand what to do next:

Medical Examination: Visit a healthcare professional as soon as possible for an examination. They’ll likely prescribe medication.

Diet and Treatment Consultation: Once you have medication, consult a nutritionist or dietitian. They can provide specialized advice regarding diet and treatment.

Understanding what high blood pressure is will be the first crucial step. Take time to research, or ask a health professional to explain it in simple terms. Armed with knowledge and the correct steps to take, managing high blood pressure with age becomes a more feasible task.

What foods to eat in high blood pressure?

Normal BP Range for Pregnant Women

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), it is recommended that a pregnant woman’s blood pressure should ideally stay below 120/80 mm Hg, which falls into a healthy range.

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When our heart beats, the blood circulates in the body and provides it with the required energy and oxygen. During this circulation, there is pressure on the walls of the veins, whether this pressure is low or high, this is blood pressure.

The only way to know is to measure it. When BP is measured it is written as two numbers e.g. 80MM/120HB or 80 below and 120 above, this is normal blood pressure.

What is high blood pressure?

If your blood pressure is lower than 90 and your upper is 140 or more and this condition persists for several days, then you may have high blood pressure or if one of the two numbers is higher, you may have high blood pressure. Is.

HBP does not make us feel sick, but it is dangerous. If left untreated, it can damage the heart, blood vessels, and other organs and cause serious problems.

Which diet will be better in high blood pressure?

In fact, our diet becomes our enemy because we carelessly consume all the foods that are harmful to our health, for example, we are first advised to reduce the amount of salt.

What foods to eat in high blood pressure?

Generally, patients with high blood pressure are tempted to eat salty foods and raw salt. If high blood pressure is to be prevented, salt should be almost eliminated from the diet have been.


Excess of sodium or salt increases blood pressure, so first break it with potassium, which is present in abundance in bananas.

According to a study, using just 2 cloves a day can control blood pressure by 10%.


Lycopene is present in tomatoes and this component is helpful in reducing the blood pressure rate. Bad cholesterol can be reduced to a great extent by including raw salad in the daily diet. If there are no problems, including the seeds, eat the seeds separately, and you will feel comfortable.


Egg Whites

It is important to start your day with a good breakfast and it is even more important to include it in your lifestyle. Our body needs protein at the beginning of the day. Modern research does not even consider the yolk as harmful, but at least The white of an egg can be eaten.


Eating a little watermelon every day on an empty stomach is beneficial in summer.

Watermelon controls blood circulation and keeps blood pressure normal. Watermelon syrup can be used without added sugar, but its pulp is also the best fiber, so try to eat watermelon as well.


Dry fruits have no season, but if consumed in moderation and in small quantities even in summer, it helps in maintaining health.

A small number of raisins can control high blood pressure. In summer, if you make curd or pudding, add a few seeds of raisins, this way you can adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Green Tea

Unless we change our lifestyle, we are caught in medical problems. Drinking green tea should be a routine by reducing the amount of tea and coffee.

Consuming 3 cups of green tea per day for 6 weeks can reduce blood pressure by 7 points.

Dark Green Vegetables

Meat, be it chicken or beef and lamb, is harmful to high blood pressure. If your heart desires, reduce the amount and make sure half of your plate is full of vegetables at every meal. Dark green vegetables are rich in minerals. They are the best sources of magnesium and iron, which are essential components of these vegetables.

It is better if vegetables are also prepared with ginger and garlic.

Sea or Himalayan salt instead of table salt

Common salt contains two minerals, sodium, and chloride, while others contain more than 70 minerals that are essential for the functioning of our nervous system and heart. The amount of sodium in the latter is very small. Water accumulates resulting in increased blood volume.


Fish and its Oil Supplements

Both of these are foods that reduce epidemics, heart diseases, and high blood pressure.

Walnuts, Almonds, Buckwheat and Oatmeal

High blood pressure is controlled by eating sanobri almonds, and walnuts mixed with porridge. Balinga seeds are used in syrups. Apart from removing stomach heat, it also moderates blood circulation.

Soak a few grains in clean water, if it swells, mix it with red syrup and drink it. Its effect is cold. It is more useful to be used in summer. Also, take deep breaths in the open air for 10 to 15 minutes every day. Blood pressure is normal, but note that you breathe about 6 times a minute.

Taking short breaths accumulates sodium in the body, while deep and slow breathing gets more oxygen. Making time for exercise And endurance is required and monitoring of blood pressure is very important.

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