The US Secretary of State Antony Blanken congratulated Anwar-ul-Haq Kaktar on becoming the Prime Ministerimage source:
Anwar-ul-Haq Kaktar has been congratulated by US Secretary of State Antony Blanken on being named Pakistan’s interim prime minister.

On the social media platform X, he declared, “Pakistan is gearing up for free and fair elections in accordance with the Constitution, freedom of speech and assembly, and (on this occasion) we will continue to advance our shared commitment to economic prosperity.”

Response from the interim prime minister

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwar Haq Kakar said that the interim administration would work carefully for a free and fair election process after greeting US Foreign Minister Antony Blanken.

We cherish our collaboration with the United States, he remarked in response to a tweet from US Secretary of State Tony Blanken.

We value our shared commitment to economic prosperity, democracy, and stability in the region.

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