The 7 Superfoods of the PlanetThe 7 Superfoods of the Planet
Nutritionists and doctors have conducted thorough research and curated a list of seven superfoods.

Incorporating these superfoods into your daily routine can promote optimal organ health and serve as a preventive measure against numerous diseases, including life-threatening ones.

These extensively recommended superfoods are not only affordable and easily accessible, but also often overlooked.


Nutritionists associated with a catering company in Birmingham have also named them as the healthiest superfoods on the planet.


Lemon is a factory of vitamin C and by eating one lemon daily, the daily requirement of vitamin C in the body is sufficiently fulfilled. Vitamin C increases the good i.e. HDL cholesterol.

Strengthens bones. Flavonoids present in it help prevent cancer and it eliminates inflammation and irritation in every part of the body.

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Eating a large piece of broccoli provides the body with sufficient amounts of vitamin K as per the daily requirement. Apart from this, this cabbage also contains vitamin C. It is the most useful food in all cancers.

Red potatoes and spinach:

One red potato contains 66 mg of folate, which prevents the breakdown and destruction of body cells, and a similar amount is found in spinach.

The rich amount of vitamin A in it resists cancer and strengthens the body’s immunity system. Spinach is an effective vegetable for eye health. It is also a vegetable that strengthens the body’s immune system.

Salmon fish:

In particular, this fish is a treasure of omega-3, which improves mental health and relieves depression.

Prevents cancer growth and keeps the heart healthy. Niacin in fish protects against Alzheimer’s (amnesia) and other mental disorders.

Dark Chocolate:

Dark chocolate, while not surpassing the taste of milk chocolate, possesses the ability to lower LDL, which is considered as bad cholesterol. Additionally, it provides numerous antioxidants that enhance the body’s immune system.


Similarly, walnuts are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids and have the ability to elevate mood, alleviate mental tiredness, and enhance cognitive capabilities. These nuts are known to be valuable in preventing cancer and promoting heart health by improving blood circulation.


Garlic has an excellent ability to resist and kill E. coli bacteria. It thins the blood and keeps blood flowing through the arteries. Also, a specific compound, allicin, lowers cholesterol levels.

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