Young generation and the influence of social media

Social Media:

As the world entered a new era of development, with the introduction of the Internet and social media, there was a wave of joy among the youth. Youngsters started spending hours on the internet to vent their frustrations. As the internet was innovated, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp were introduced, so the young generation found their way to their paradise and they entered this paradise after being alienated from the world.

In this regard, the impact on families was that they needed to have good quality mobiles, iPhones, iPads, and better speed laptops and computers to use the internet. As a result, the mobile and computer industries found a way to expand. The biggest loss of this in our society is that the mobile which the common and middle-class person did not think it was their right to buy, now every member of the family has an Android phone and iPhone in the same home and internet connection and Received packages. According to an estimate, our country’s mobile phone and internet users are more than 60 million. Now the knowledge is that whether there is ration in the house or not, but having the internet is very important.

Another disadvantage of excessive internet usage is the declining health of the younger generation, as their health is adversely affected due to lack of sleep. Frustration and depression are increasing among the youth. By posting videos of themselves on Instagram and Facebook, with no captions, or by making random Tik Tok videos, they see how many likes and comments they get. That is, he is the writer of his own creation, the producer himself, the director himself, and Kim Vibish himself the viewer. Surprisingly, he has got fans like him to watch these crazy videos and content, which has made him feel like a cannon.

Every young person became an intellectual, a writer, and a writer and began to take it for granted to comment on every post without research and to create his own narrative. He has also made an example to some youth that so and so in such and such city has earned so much money through social media. Therefore, our youth is also engaged in the same race day and night and is trying to earn money through shortcuts. If you ask any student how many hours he uses his mobile in a day, you will be surprised that he spends more time on his mobile instead of giving time to his studies and parents. He has no friends, doesn’t care what is happening at home or in society, he considers only those who like and comment on his posts as his friends. It seems that he has become a victim of such an addiction that has alienated him from himself and he is lost in a separate world of his own, unaware of the world.

The third disadvantage is that politicians have started using youths fond of social media for their purposes. Every political party had already created media cells and social media cells and assigned tasks to the youth that they should not leave any stone unturned in the role of their opposing parties. We have been witnessing this unrestrained social media frenzy for the past few years. Politicians started using the same social media for their own purposes and started pulling their opposition politicians in such a way that God forbid. Now, no politician, intellectual, writer, or even religious leader of the country is safe from the evil of these so-called intellectuals of social media. The previous government had regularly prepared such a force of youths which removed the funeral of ethics in politics. It is not known how long it will take to correct the distortion that has been created in society, because the innovation of technology is increasing day by day.

Young generation and the influence of social media

The fourth disadvantage of social media is that the young generation has fallen under its influence, along with this, people of all ages and classes have found things according to their own preferences. Look around you and you will see everyone (men, women, youth, children) using the internet. In homes, markets, schools and colleges, religious schools, and even in hospitals (where patients can be harmed by a slight negligence on the part of the medical staff), you will find the staff engaged in using the internet and mobile phones. Private hospitals may be a bit strict, but in government hospitals, you will find everyone from the doctor to the janitor enjoying free Wi-Fi.

The fifth disadvantage is that the rate of accidents has increased due to the use of phones in society. You see a motorcyclist, he has the whole family sitting on the bike and the mobile phone is attached to the ear and tilted to one side. With this action, he puts the life of his entire family at stake. Similarly, on the road, you see a long line of cars behind a car owner and they are busy talking on the said phone.

A sixth disadvantage of social media is the increasing number of viewers of immoral content, the majority of which are young people. Due to this the new generation in society has increased excitement and young people are comparing themselves with the Western countries while feeling themselves in the global village. Now such a plant has been developed which, in imitation of the youth of the Western countries, has completely forgotten its Eastern traditions and is always lost in the imaginary world. This is the generation that is imitating Western culture not only in their clothing but also in their food and drink. Those who consider it an insult to eat vegetables grown in their countries and their diet has become pizza, burgers, shawarma and other fast food. Now this generation should be made to understand that eating these things continuously is bad for their health, but whatever creeps on their ears is allowed.

Another disadvantage of social media is that the youth have become addicted to playing various games on the internet, which are said to be life-threatening games that the youth should stay away from. Along with this, young people also make friendships and marriages with girls/women from foreign countries on social media, but it has been seen that most of marriages fail. Recently, a Pakistani married woman, who is said to be a mother of four, befriended a boy living in Delhi (India) through the infamous internet game “PubG” and later got married in Nepal. India is gone. Now that girl is not ready to come to Pakistan, while the Indians consider her a Pakistani spy and send her back

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