Why are we behind in science and technology

Science and Technology

The present age is the age of science and technology. A country that is ahead in science and technology has a strong economy and is also famous in the world. Countries, in recent times, individuals are also ruling the world by mastering science and technology.
Why are we behind in science and technology

There are big names in the world of science and technology who have a special place in the world, just look at Bill Gates. He excelled in technology and is playing an important role in the world since then. When Bill Gates visits a country, it feels like the Prime Minister or President of a country has arrived. They are given the best protocol, Prime Ministers, Ministers, and Presidents meet them as if they were meeting high officials of any other country. Although he does not have any political or administrative position in any country, he has earned so much fame in science and technology that his position is no less than that of a high official.


It demonstrates that one may obtain respect and a place in the world without engaging in politics or holding elected office. Instead, people can now dominate the globe by mastering science and technology. do, establish a reputation for themselves, obtain a significant position, and obtain a position that foreign presidents and prime ministers do not obtain.

Many nations throughout the world are on the development road and are engaged in ongoing scientific and technological advancement. Science and technology have already made significant progress in Europe and America, but South Asian nations, in particular, are now also on the path of rapid growth.  and technology, India is gaining a special place and advancing in this field very fast.

In India, taxi drivers also have QR codes through which people can pay money online, but unfortunately, even big businessmen do not have the facility to pay money online. Many times, go to big shops and ask them about online payment, and they say, we want cash only.

Why are we behind in science and technology

Our governments have also not paid any special attention to this sector and we have lagged far behind the world in this field. It becomes a problem for us if we have to buy something on international websites and people keep wondering how to make online payments. PayPal has a huge name in the world which Pakistan lacks and which is also much needed. Due to the non-existence of PayPal service in Pakistan, it is very difficult for the youth to work online, but our rulers do not pay attention to this.


Some time ago, when Bill Gates visited Pakistan, the Prime Minister of that time, Imran Khan, made him visit the centers of polio and corona, but did not talk about getting help from him in technology, although his main field is not health, but technology. Is. Bill Gates should have taken help in this field because our youth are facing many difficulties in working online, you should provide facilities for our youth. PayPal and many other similar companies are not willing to work in Pakistan, so get help from Bill Gate to convince them to provide their services in Pakistan to facilitate the youth to work online. Available.

The science and technology sector is very important in which Pakistan is lagging far behind and our neighboring countries are developing rapidly in it. So we should also pay special attention to this sector. Our rulers should provide facilities for the youth and our youth should work hard in this field especially and make their name and country famous in the world.

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