Ruby Frank An American YouTuber who gave parenting tips to parents was arrested for abusing her children
Washington: Ruby Frank An American mother who gave advice to parents on raising and caring for children on YouTube was arrested for child abuse.

The international news agency reports that Ruby Frank, a 41-year-old YouTube sensation, and her business partner have been apprehended by authorities in America. Frank has been managing a YouTube channel for several years.
Having amassed a following of 2.5 million subscribers, Frank uses her platform to provide advice to fellow parents on diverse childhood topics, such as child-rearing, nutrition, safety, and care. Her content is well-received among parents.

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However, an alarming incident involving her 12-year-old son has started to cast shadows on her parental advice. In an apparent state of acute starvation, her son reportedly leaped out of a window in their home and went to a neighbor’s house seeking nourishment. It was noted that his wrists had been bound and nailed.
Allegations arise that Frank was responsible for confining her son in such a distressing fashion, but he was able to escape regardless. Upon being provided with food by the concerned neighbors, he commenced eating in a manner suggesting he had been deprived of food for a significant time.

The child in question presented signs of malnutrition, prompting the neighbor to report the circumstances to the police. Authorities were able to rescue the 10-year-old daughter of the said YouTuber, who was also severely malnourished.

Both the son and daughter of the YouTuber were taken to the hospital by the police for immediate treatment. Two additional children from the same household were placed under the care of Child Protection Services; their condition was reported to be slightly better. Following these actions, police arrested Ruby Frank.
Authorities, in an attempt to prevent Frank’s release on bail, presented to the court a video uploaded by Frank two days prior. The footage allegedly revealed her children at home, implying her presence within the residence. This raised allegations against Frank for neglecting to provide appropriate care to her children during her presence in the house.

Rather than providing a statement to the police, both women asked to consult with an attorney.
Kevin Franke, spouse to Ruby Franke, enlisted legal representation in his quest to attain custody of their kids. He refrained from commenting about the arrest of Ruby.

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