Post-mortem of 'Aliens' Strange Things Come Out.

In Mexico, the remains of two inhuman creatures’ “aliens” have been autopsied, in which shocking revelations have come out.


According to international media, the remains of two non-human bodies that were presented at a congressional session on the subject of UFOs in Mexico last week claimed that they were not from any human era according to research so far.

The relationship has not been established. The Mexican government also invited international organizations to investigate them.

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After that, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said that if Mexican scientists have such a strange object, their samples should be shared with other scientists for research.

After NASA’s response, a forensic doctor named José de Jesus Jules Benitez, attached to the military, invited a delegation of journalists to cover the post-mortem tests of these aliens.


A few other tests of aliens  including a CT scan and X-ray, were conducted on the embalmed bodies for post-mortem, the results of which surprised everyone, including the researchers.


The mysterious and allegedly inhuman mummified skeletons are short and chalk-colored, with three fingers on each hand and a shrunken head, researchers said.

They also revealed that one of the female remains was pregnant before her death.


The report confirmed that there was no tampering with these remains. They are part of the same skeleton and were not formed by being put together.


Researchers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico have also carbon-tested them, which shows that these samples are about a thousand years old.

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