A viral video of a mysterious animal in America has raised questions
Austin: A woman from the American state of Texas is asking for help from the citizens in identifying the mysterious animal seen near her house.

According to reports by media, a woman named Tina Kahlig told a local TV channel in an interview that she had gone to take pictures outside her house and then she saw some creature that made her startle and whisper to herself. Guess what animal this is?


Tina said the creature was eating berries from the bushes.

Tina posted photos of the creature on the Next-Door app, where neighbors offered their own theories about its identity, including several legends such as a demonic creature. Some believe that this fox breed is a cross between a coyote and a dog.

Locals used to claim that a tiger resided in the hills nearby, but officials claim that no tigers have ever been sighted there.

The mysterious animal shown in the pictures might be a dog or a coyote, according to Rachel Malstoff, director of mammals at the San Antonio Zoo. However, according to zoo experts, it seems to be a carnivore with a skin condition.


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