lucy letby the nurse was found guilty of murdering seven newborn
London: There has been an important development in the case of the murder of seven newborn babies in a UK hospital, the main suspect in the incident, the nurse Lucy Letby has been found guilty of murder.

An inquest into the allegations against Lucy Letby, 33, who worked at the Countess of Chester Hospital, found that the nurse deliberately administered toxic injections, high oxygen, and forced frequent feedings to the children between 2015 and 2016. Killed

According to the report of a foreign news agency, nurse Lucy Letby, the worst serial killer of children in the history of Britain, has been found guilty of murdering seven newborn babies and attempting to kill 6 more.

Nurse Lucy Latby, the worst serial killer of children, admitted to killing the children on purpose, saying she was unable to care for them. May be punished.

Police officers searching the accused’s house after arresting him found a handwritten note saying, “I am a horrible and evil person. I am innocent because I committed this crime.” Is. According to the British police, the accused Lucy Latby was on night shift duty in the children’s intensive care ward and her responsibility was to take care of very weak and emaciated children. Twin siblings were among the children killed by the nurse.

Senior Crown Prosecutor Pascal Jones told the media that few people who worked with him knew that he had a child killer in his midst. He tried his best to hide his crimes and repeatedly harmed the children in various ways.

Nurse Lucy Letby has been found guilty of the heinous crimes by a court and will be sentenced on Monday to what is expected to be life in prison.

It should be noted that the accused nurse was arrested earlier but she was released in 2018 and 2019 due to lack of proof.

The investigating officer of the local police told the media that he had been busy for a long time solving the issue of why there were so many deaths in the neonatal ward.

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