hepatitis hepatitis b hepatitis c

If prompt treatment is started with a timely diagnosis, various complications can be avoided

Hakeem Adil Ismail

Viruses or bacteria keep entering our body regularly but thanks to the body’s natural defense system i.e. immunity, we are protected from being infected by them due to immunity. Actually, bacteria and viruses, etc. require a special type of environment for growth. If a favorable environment is not available, then bacteria and viruses, etc. die automatically, but if they get a favorable environment and the immunity is not strong, then they grow rapidly.

It is observed that germs and viruses easily dominate in an acidic body because acidity weakens the immune system. If the immune system is strong, various diseases can be avoided. Diseases caused by viruses. Notably, they include hepatitis, which is actually an inflammatory disease of the liver.

There are several types of hepatitis, among which hepatitis B and C can prove dangerous.

However, if prompt treatment is started with a timely diagnosis, various complications can be avoided. Following are some general prescriptions for hepatitis B and C treatment.

Hepatitis B treatment

Radish Juice:

Along with drinking two to three glasses of radish juice a day, grinding radish leaves and extracting the juice, and drinking it is also useful.

Lemon or pineapple juice:

Drinking lemon juice cleanses the stomach. Drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach daily in the morning will also help with constipation. Apart from this, the use of pineapple juice is also useful.

Hepatitis C treatment

Red flower 24 grams, Charita 20 grams, Chicory 20 grams, Makwa dried 20 grams, Absinthe 20 grams, Rhubarb khatai 20 grams, Neem flower 12 grams, Yellow wood 10 grams, and Naushadar alum 10 grams. Dissolve 1/2 gram of Safof in two teaspoons of water in the morning, afternoon, and evening. If there is no objection, take it with plain water.

it takes three months for treatment:

In addition, drink more water, and use seasonal fruits, and vegetables. The use of brown rice, brown bread, and olive oil protects against liver cancer. Fibrous foods are effective for liver patients, so vegetables, Tuna, pumpkin, turnip, carrot, cucumber, etc. should be used. However, cold drinks, alcohol, frozen fruits, meat, fast foods, junk foods, butter, ghee, and caffeine-based drinks and items (including tea, coffee, chocolate, (including cola drinks) should be avoided. Use less iron. Get treatment from a qualified physician or hakim instead of over-the-counter and strictly follow the instructions given

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